Map of Ukrainian ATO |
I had the great opportunity and privilege to help with an Easter program for at-risk kids near the war-torn part of Eastern Ukraine. I worked with 2 other Americans, Armando and David and the organization they represent, "Children to Love". We left in the evening on Orthodox Easter and traveled 17 hours by train to a city in the Donetsk Region. We were about 25 miles from the war zone, known as the ATO (Anti-Terrorist Operation zone). Although we did hear in the news of some fighting while we were there, we felt completely safe and didn't hear or see anything. God kept us safe on the way there and back, so we thank Him for this.
The "Smile" team |
We worked with a group of Ukrainians and a their team which is called "Smile". They formed in 2014 after the fighting broke out in eastern Ukraine. Their mission is to support at-risk children, and orphans impacted by the war. They do Christmas and Easter programs as well as summer camps. At the last Christmas and Easter programs, over 3000 kids heard the Gospel message. The team uses very interactive plays that include participation from the audience, puppet shows, and different games to keep it interesting for the children. Every evening we packed thousands of goodie bags for the children, which included sweets, toys, and a small Bible and other Christian literature.
Regional orphanage for disabled children |
One of the hardest things we did was visit an orphanage for physically and mentally disabled children. It is one of the largest of these type of orphanages in Ukraine and the only such one in this region. There were almost 270 children there, many of them in wheelchairs. As hard as it was for us to be there, we kept smiles on our faces, and did our best to share the love of God with them. Just another reminder for me that we live in a broken world, but one day God will right all wrongs.
We also had the opportunity to buy groceries for and visit with a family who lost their only daughter to an artillery shell that hit just outside the kitchen window where she was cooking. She left behind a 10 year old son whose grandparents have now taken him in, even though they barely have enough to live on for themselves. It was an emotional time for all as they tearfully shared about their daughter and showed us pictures of her. Their grandson Vlad often cries at night asking to see his mother just one more time. I know there are many conflicts around the world, and just because they aren't talked about anymore in the news it doesn't mean everything is ok and that we should stop praying. There is still fighting in Ukraine, and young soldiers and innocent civilians are still losing their lives every week. That's over 10,000 lives lost since the fighting began.
Family that lost their daughter (Valentina and Volodya) |
So please, we ask you to join us in prayer today in 3 areas: 1- Pray for the "Smile" team and the work they are doing, that God would continue to provide for them and that the Gospel would spread through their work with at-risk and orphan children; 2 - Pray for the family of Volodya, Valentina, and their grandson Vlad, as well as for all the people suffering from conflicts around the world. 3- Pray for peace in Ukraine and around the world. And that God's justice would come to those less fortunate.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support. I am always happy to share with you these stories, and if you have any questions or would like to help in some way, let me know. May God continue to bless you all as well and keep you safe. May His kingdom come sooner, and may His will be done through us as we await Him, so that we will be found faithful!