He has provided abundantly for me to come here. Besides the material aspects, He has also provided circumstantially. Anything and everything that could have prevented me from going on such a trip for a year didn’t hinder me at all. What about school? It isn’t going anywhere. What about my scholarship? I can take up to two years off without losing it. What about losing my job? My bosses assured me they would hire me the day I got back and even give me a pay increase as an incentive to come back. What about family obligations? I have none, as my parents are self sufficient. What about money? I figured if God wanted me to go then He will provide. And He has. All this goes to His glory for providing in every way.
I will boast in the Lord some more. I cannot explain how great God is. For the first time in my life I flew by myself. I left TPA and flew to JFK. From JFK I flew to Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. Then finally from Kiev I flew to L’viv where I was picked up by my friends. For the most part of my 24 hour journey to Ukraine I was lost and very anxious. Get this, I got lost in JFK where everyone speaks English, so imagine how lost I was when I was in Ukraine where next to no one speaks English. Again it was because God intervened and guided my every step that I arrived at the L’viv airport.
Now more than a month has passed since my arrival. In this time Joe and I have been teaching ESL at Central Baptist Church in L’viv. After each class we have there is a bible study for any who want to stay.

This last Monday we had nine students come for ESL and eight stayed for the bible study afterwards. Please pray for those who stayed, for the person who didn’t, and for those teaching the bible. We will be starting another ESL class that will be on Mondays and Wednesdays beginning next Monday the 15th. After the class we will invite them to a club called JAM that meets every other Friday. During JAM they play music and perform other activities that are fun for youth. At the end of the night Oleg the pastor at Trinity speaks to them. Pray that many will come to the club and that they will believe the gospel preached to them there. We moved to Horodok about two weeks ago and we are glad to finally be where we have been desiring to work. We will be having a meeting to discuss which new ministries we will start in Horodok, as we have already started a couple. Pray that God would lead us into what ministries He wants wants us to start next, and what ways will be best to reach these people for Christ.
What a wonderful post. It is so good to get an update and hear all the things you are doing so far away from home. I pray for you every day and hope that God continues to guide you and bless you while you are there. I can not even fathum what God has in store for you but I know I can see his hand on everything you do. So proud of you. Mom