We have still been very busy and we even added some more work to our schedule. We are teaching one more English Class on Wednesday for our friends at GrapeVine and have met 2 times already. It is going very well. I have around 8 people for that group and Sebastian also has a group of beginners each Wednesday evening. It is great to see these students show up every week for English, and then stay for the Bible study which the Ukrainians do after our English lessons. I think I mentioned it before, but GrapeVine does an amazing job at building relationships with students and people that attend their camps. They are always willing to help them and try to include them in whatever they can. They don’t just have them at one camp, tell them about Jesus, then say good-bye, but they build strong friendships with them. Sunday we spent time with some of them at one of their houses and had a really great time playing a version of catch phrase, eating together, and just enjoying one another’s company.
A couple weeks ago we had a week long English camp every night in L’viv with Trinity Church. It was a long week, but a good week. There were probably around 60 people there every night and we had a really great time. A team of 7 came from Texas from Clear Creek Community Church and we were blessed to get to know them and to serve with them during the week.

Our Saturday group is also still going strong. Every week we have had no less than 9 people and usually there have been around 11. Please, please, please pray for this group. We have been going through Matthew and are currently on Matthew 7. If you aren’t familiar with these passages or haven’t read through them in a while, please read them. There are so many things in this book. It is a very heavy book, and I also ask that you would pray that God would give us the wisdom as what to say about these verses and how best to explain them to our group. We can’t just read through this chapter in English and then in Ukrainian. There is just too much there that we want them to fully understand, and so we are bringing in a friend to translate and Sebastian will be presenting the Gospel to them. Once again please pray for this. Your prayers are our biggest need right now!

Also we have some good news regarding our friends and fellow family working here in Horodok Andriy and Alona. They had their first child yesterday and as far as I know everything went well. I haven’t seen them yet, but I think they both will be home on Saturday. Thank you for your prayers for Alona and her baby. As far as I know everything is great with them.
On top of all of these things we are doing every week, we celebrated Sebastian’s 20th birthday last Wednesday. We invited many friends and students to go ice skating at the big mall in L’viv called “King’s Cross.” It was a great time to spend with friends and celebrate the birth of such a great guy as Sebastian. If you haven’t yet wished him Happy Birthday, I’m sure he would love to hear from you! Thank you for everything you all have done for us and continue to do for us! We love you and appreciate all that you do very much. God Bless you and I will fill you in again soon!
Oh fun!! I can't believe I'm just now reading this update! I'm sure a lot more has happened since then. Keep these posts coming! Miss you guys.