Hey everyone sorry it was so long since the last update. Been busy but that wasn't really why I didn't update mostly was problems with internet. Even this morning when I sat down to write the internet went out again and I couldn't. I thought I would never get a chance. So what have we been doing in Horodok since summer. Well first I should say that I am not in the same apartment where we have been the past year or so. I had to find a new one and did not find one so I am living with the other Ukrainian missionaries here in Horodok, Andriy and Alona (and their year and a half year old son Zachar). Since school started I have begun to teach some lessons and classes in L'viv the main city not far from here for some churches there. I hope soon to begin here in Horodok the same.

It is a very good way to see young people on a regular basis and build contacts and then relationships with them, and then invite them to group, and eventually bible studies etc. So I hope we will be allowed to do that here and that it will be successful. I am very busy now with English and the 1-2 hour bus rides to L'viv and 1-2 hour back plus English is keeping me busy and making me tired. Also Zachar likes to scream/cry at 6:00 in the morning and again at 11:00 or 12:00 so trying to sleep isn't always so easy. Please keep him in your prayers though, he is healthy but has a rash that just won't go away.. Last fall/winter he had and for summer seemed to be all better but now again he has. If anyone could recommend or maybe even send a good quality skin cream (without hormones?) it would be appreciated.
So for me, life has changed drastically in the last few weeks. Went from summer schedule to teaching a lot, and now i'm not in my own apartment and so it can be hard to just relax and have some quiet time...especially when the door doesn't lock and Zachar likes to visit me often and rearrange my room haha. No, hes not so bad just 1 1/2 and doing what 1 1/2 year olds do =) And on a positive note I at least don't have to cook so much.So that is great!
And here is well into fall. A couple of nights ago was just above freezing. Today is not so bad though... Sunny, and not very cold. It really is great when you can actually see the leaves changing. For those of you in Florida, sorry you can't enjoy it too but I posted a couple pictures

. Really was very stressful couple of weeks moving. I had to do most of it on my own because Andriy and Alona were out of town for a few weeks, but I thank God that now have a place to stay and everything is much better. Just a different mind-set here. It takes some getting used to. If someone says they will come tomorrow to help, basically it means they might come tomorrow or in a week. If you don't believe me ask Sebastian, Merrie, or Tanya. So what I will say...be thankful that God blessed you all... really blessed you all by placing you in America. I know life can be hard anywhere and we should always trust in God and follow him, and there are benefits to living here as well, but to be born and to live in America really is a true blessing. Remember this and thank God for it!
Thank you all for following this blog. It is encouraging for me when someone tells me to update because they are still following it! If you would like to give money for Ukraine Missions and the work here then just contact me, my parents, or even Calvary. Please continue to pray for us here! We need it and welcome it always. God Bless!!!
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