These are the five solos or solae in Latin of our faith. Solo means in Latin "only" or "by this alone." 1. Sola Scriptura (by scripture alone). 2. Sola Fide (by faith alone). 3. Sola Gratia (by grace alone). 4. Solus Christus (through Christ alone). 5. Soli Deo Gloria (glory to God alone). This list formally came after the initial beginning of the Reformation but the process of reform started with Martin Luther 500 years ago. It was important for them then as they realized the Catholic church was not preaching and behaving as it should. It's also important that we know and remember these important pillars of our faith and don't try to create or follow other paths to salvation that aren't based on these truths. Thank God for the brave men and women of the reformation, some of whom gave their lives, so that we could have these truths. Just think, without the reformation we wouldn't have the Bible in our language, and we would still be buying indulgences for salvation, or trying by some other means to earn salvation. We have direct access to God, through Jesus and what he did on the cross! Remember these truths and share them with others!
Besides using this as a teaching moment, I also wanted to share what's happening in Ukraine. In Ukraine the Catholic and the Orthodox churches are the main religions in Ukraine and often have a lot of power and influence in other spheres as well. However, by what can only be explained as a miracle, the president himself signed a law giving protestants the power to celebrate, teach, and speak about the Reformation for its 500th anniversary.
This means we, as evangelical christians, now have basically unlimited access to share our faith in schools, universities and public places through teaching about this historical event and its impact on life as we know it today. A lot of good things came from the Reformation for humanity as a whole. We will teach these benefits all while speaking openly and freely about the message of the Reformation, which in essence is the gospel itself! This is an amazing and unprecedented opportunity for spreading the gospel in Ukraine. Please pray that many doors would be open, and that we would be bold and faithful to do it. God is so big, and is still performing miracles to accomplish his will. Praise God!
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