Thursday, July 1, 2010

The team in a snapshot

We are getting ready to get on the shuttle to take us to the airport. We are all so excited and ready to go.


  1. A small but mighty team with hearts for God! I pray God's blessing on each of you!

  2. We'll be following the blog and praying for you all daily!
    Bob and Patra

  3. Can't wait to hear the amazing stories of your adventures in the Ukraine. Thank you for doing His work where ever He leads you.

  4. Hope your trip is marked by safety and success. Tom is a great guy and an even better leader! Keep us up-to-date on what's going on.

  5. Praying for you guys. Tell Laney we went to Country Pizza Inn with her parents and missed her but maybe you guys are eating better pizza over there! Miss you Merrie. Take care.
    Love ya,
    Dave and Alyson
